Here, you will find a selection of recommended resources from various experts on Risk, Performance Measurement, Lean Management, and Governance.
Step 1
Be curious!
Step 2
Go through the list and select those that article, courses or videos that interest you the most. It is beneficial to get familiar with a topic using trusted sources.
Step 3
Let’s talk!
Explore each section to expand your horizon on these topics and gain new insights.
- The Risk Doctor Website
- RiskDoctorVideo (YouTube)
- York Schulich School of Business Executive Education (Masters Certificate in Risk Management and Business Performance Leadership)
- People College of Management: What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?
- ISO: Risk management—Guidelines
- Tracker Networks
- SCCE & HCCE—Compliance Risk Management: Applying The COSO ERM Framework
The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. Living with fear stops us taking risks, and if you don't go out on the branch, you're never going to get the best fruit.
Performance Measurement
What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated.
Lean Management
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.